Friv 2014 Games
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Friv 2014 Games
Dunk Ball 👍75%
Pac Maker 👍80%
Archery Training 👍76%
Speedboat Racing Multiplayer 👍88% 👍84%
Beauty Princess Modern Life 👍86%
Roll The Ball 2 Online 👍78%
Barbie Glam Face Art 👍74%
Mafia Billiard Tricks 👍86%
Annies Tailor Course 👍83%
Jelly Doods 👍66%
Which My Little Pony Are You 👍85%
Mommy Home Decoration 👍80%
Break The Rock 👍74%
Leaves Boy 👍72%
Elsa Dress Style Attempt 👍75%
Princess Wedding Theme Oriental 👍86%
Helen Dreamy Pink House 👍81%
Rooftop Snipers 👍84%
Rapunzel Ear Surgery 👍60% 👍83%
Pokemon Magikarp Jump Online 👍79%
Freefall Tournament 👍82%
KoWaRa 👍83%
Ice Princess Mommy Real Makeover 👍81%
Scooby Doo: Ghost Creator 👍81%
Celebrity Hospital 👍74%
Grandmas Plastic Surgery 👍67%
Vex 3 👍82%
Knife Shooter 👍80%
Sticky Goo 👍79%
Design Annas Wedding Ring 👍79%
Little Hair Doctor 👍74%
Frozen Sisters Wax Statue 👍65%
Bubbles Shooter Classic 👍81%
Princess Elsa Luxury Car Repair 👍80% 👍85%
Tiny Race 👍67% 👍80%
Little Foot Doctor 👍75%
Princess Full Body Spa 👍74%
Barbies Powerpuff Looks 👍80%
KOGAMA Minecraft SKY LAND 👍88%
Toon Cup Africa 👍83%
Tetra 👍76%
Gun Box 👍77%
Barbie In India 👍86%
Private Tumblr Party for Princesses 👍84%
Tom and Jerry: Chasing Jerry 👍87% 👍79%
Reorder 👍70%
Swat vs Zombies 👍77%
Stick City 👍81%
Space Blaze 2 👍83% 👍77%
Kids Hair Salon 👍68%
Boomerang Sports 👍82% 👍82%
Barbies Bridal Styles 👍84%
Brick Out 👍79%
Princess Cooking Dinner 👍83%
Pyramid Solitaire Express 👍80%
Little Hand Doctor 👍73%
Baby Hazel Bed Time 👍82%
Zombie Derby 2 👍81%
Tricky Road 👍87%
Bomb It Mission 👍79%
Barbie Wonderland Looks 👍81%
Slime Rally 👍80%
Tom and Jerry: Cheese Swipe 👍82%
Space Shooter 👍71%
ATV Trials Winter 2 👍83%
Princess Maxi Dress 👍75%
Princesses Fruits Lover 👍86%
Thai Holiday Traditional Vs Modern 👍82%
Road of Fury Desert Strike 👍80%
Ice Queen Vaccines Injection 👍79%
Table Tennis World Tour 👍80%
Princesses Leaf Show 👍80%
Strike Solitaire 👍76%
Princess Goldblade and the Dangerous Waters 👍79%
Tracks Of Terror 👍85%
City Connect 2 👍80%
Bubble Guriko 👍81%
Watercraft Rush 👍76%
Elsa Wedding Hair Design 👍77%
Rapunzel And Anna Pink Style 👍85%
Bear Chase 👍75%
Kiba & Kumba: Tri-towers 👍75%
Princess Movie Night 👍76%
Ice Princess Wedding Day 👍88%
Mermaid Baby Bath 👍87%
Pregnant Mommy Spa 👍75%
Truck Driver Crazy Road 2 👍79% 👍86%
Gracie The Fairy Adventure 👍83%
Pow 👍80%
Princesses Great Reunion 👍82%
Super Onion Boy 👍79%
GoalkeeperChallenge 👍82%
Aqua Friends 👍82%
Amazing Cube Adventure 👍80%
Dot Adventure 👍80%
KOGAMA Cat Parkour 👍80%
Princesses May Day Shopping 👍72%
Ladybug Glittery Makeup 👍79%
Cat Around The World: Japanese Valley 👍64%
Car Eats Car 6 👍84%
Slice Fruit 👍81%
Audreys Beauty Makeup Vlogger Story 👍74%
Princess Rainbow Look 👍71%
Barbies Careers 👍86%
Money Movers 1 👍86%
Tactical Squad 👍80%
Fast Numbers 2 👍84%
Moto Trials Winter 👍82%
Ambulance Academy 3D 👍78%
Flappy Bounce 👍77%
Pipe Monster Classic 👍73%
Smiley Ball 👍76%
Connect The Dots 3 👍75%
Moto X3M Bike Race Game 👍86%
Girls Fashion Boutique 👍79%
KOGAMA The elevator 👍83%